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Deng Longqian——"My Entry Story"
Release time: 2024-08-26     Author: Deng Longqian    Views: 1482    Share to:

m88 casino reviewDeng Longqian

Position:Trainee of the Financial Assets Department of Hanjiawan Coal Company


Everything is lush,The scorching sun。Unconsciously,I have been working at Hanjiawan Coal Company for more than one year。Reminiscing about this year,Those touching、Sorry、Unforgettable appears in front of my eyes again...

The most touching thing: the stranger

That was the fifth day when I first came to the company,I have a bad cold。Unfamiliar place,This sentence may be the best portrayal of my situation at that time。Draged my unwell body to the company infirmary,The moment you pay,I suddenly remembered that my phone was forgotten in the dormitory。

Just when I turned around and was about to walk out of the infirmary,A strange voice sounded in my ears: "I'll pay for the baby。"I turned around and looked,Is an uncle in his forties,I don’t know what words to use to describe my mood at that time。

I remember that moment clearly,My nose is sore,Tears seem to burst from my eyes,And when I came back to my senses,He has already left the infirmary。On the way back,The breeze gently sways the willow branches,Looking at the sunset in the distance,Thinking of the stranger,I suddenly felt,Summer in northern Shaanxi,So good!

The thing I am most proud of: adapting to the change of role

"Second Place,Comprehensive excavation team party branch。”Party and Mass Work Regular Meeting,The staff reported the results of the party-building work inspection in the first quarter,A sense of pride suddenly surged into my heart。Remember that I just arrived at the grassroots level,I was assigned to the comprehensive excavation team,Served as corporate culture promoter,Responsible for the organization of branch party building materials。

Facing various types of file information,I was confused at the time,No way to start,Also very anxious,Sometimes I still think about this issue before going to bed。Can’t do it,Two legs”!Relying on "a mouth、Two legs”,I visited almost all the offices of party branch secretaries and corporate culture officers in the office area。On work notebook,Remember the knowledge and experiences learned every day。

With the help of leaders and colleagues,I quickly completed the change and adaptation of my role,I feel comfortable doing my job。Under inspection of party building work in the first quarter of this year,The branch ranks second in total score,m88 casinoLooking at the affirmation of people around me,The unspeakable satisfaction in my heart。

The most successful thing: completing the first manuscript

Talk about this topic,I have to mention my “writing history”。From childhood to adulthood,Writing is not what I’m good at。I remember when I was writing a composition when I was a child,I scratched my head,My mind is blank。Shortly after the assignment,A simple entry experience has become my biggest headache。

If you can’t write it, just put it off,Wait until the last day of submission,I finished it in a hurry and handed it to the branch secretary。“This article doesn’t work!Be sure to write down your truest thoughts,Write boldly,Don’t be afraid!”The Secretary’s words,Let me start to re-examine my manuscript,Indeed it is,Take a closer look,The sentences in my manuscript don’t make sense、Misuse of words,The whole article is empty talk。At the clerk’s suggestion,I opened the website of Shaanbei Mining Company,Looking at each excellent article,I remember the anxiety I felt when I first entered the workplace,Thinking of the novelty of pre-job training,Thinking of the concern of leaders and colleagues... suddenly thoughts welled up,The writing is like a god。

When I handed the new manuscript to the secretary,His approving eyes are still fresh in my memory。One week later,When I saw my manuscript on the website of Shaanbei Mining Company,The joy in my heart is indescribable。

The most unforgettable thing: paramilitary training

When the blazing sun scorches this land,The company began a 12-day paramilitary training。Summer seems to have come extra early this year,Just walked to the playground,A heat wave hits my face,It is inevitable that people will feel withdrawn。Standing in military posture、Goosestep、Singing military songs...a series of actions,Testing the will of each of us。

Survived the first few days,It’s like parting the clouds and seeing the dawn again,Military training does not seem so boring。Day in June,Change as you say,The M88 loginsun is still shining in the morning,It started pouring rain in the afternoon。Less than three days before the performance,But our team has not yet learned the optional movements——sign language exercises,So we chose to practice more at Ampere Center。When the day’s training is over,When returning to the dormitory while rubbing my sore arms,The rain has stopped,Only the raindrops on the leaf tips fell to the ground,There was a ripple。

"sonorous heroine、The beauty in military uniform..." the day of the performance,We are taking neat steps,Shouting loud slogans and walking past the podium。Think about it now,This special experience is not boring,But impassioned。

The most regrettable thing: not persisting in reading

When I first joined the company,I told myself,Keep reading。Finally walked out of school,No homework,No paper,No exam,I feel a lot more relaxed all of a sudden。It seems to be to make up for the regrets of the university,I started to indulge myself。After finishing the trivial daily affairs,One return to the dormitory,I just want to "lie down"。Books brought from home,I have long forgotten it in the corner,Covered with a thin layer of dust。Newspapers and periodicals received from the Party Committee Work Department every month,I also put it aside in a hurry on my desk,No time to care。Books,It seems like it has completely disappeared from my life。

Until this year’s Reading Festival event,When asked to share a book each,I remembered it in a daze,How long has it been since I read?When was the last time I opened a book?Even university expertise,I also left it behind,Becomes a bunch of inscrutable words。

Writing at this time,The company correspondent group happened to push an article "New Student's Heart"。Looking at the enthusiasm and ambition of the newly recruited college students,I can’t help but feel a little ashamed of myself。Pick up the work notes,I solemnly completed the annual plan on the title page: Keep reading!

The thing I look forward to most: chasing the light

In a blink of m88 casinoan eye,I have been in the Financial Assets Department for four months。When I first came here,I’m excited but nervous。I look forward to quickly integrating into the group,I am worried that I am not qualified for the position。Check data、Organizing vouchers、Binding and the temper of daily work,I have a deeper understanding of financial knowledge,Forgotten knowledge points come to mind again,Start transforming into practical skills。

Whenever you encounter something you don’t understand,The seniors in the office patiently provided me with help and guidance,This increases my work enthusiasm and confidence。Looking back on the past four months,I gained a lot。Looking to the future,I will fulfill my duties、Move forward bravely,Strive to use your expertise and talents in your position,Make new contributions to the department and the company。

Going through the first four seasons of Hanjiawan Coal Company,I gradually understand why everyone is willing to stick to this sea of ​​coal。Standing at a new starting point,I will continue to strictly demand myself,With the greatest enthusiasm,Go all out to meet new challenges and opportunities,Grow into a qualified employee as soon as possible。(Deng Longqian)