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The State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection publicly notified seven illegal issues of spiritual spirit of the Central Committee
Release time: 2023-09-21 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Author: & nbsp & nbsp Views: 6389    Share to:

m88 casino review Mid -Autumn Festival、National Day holiday is coming to,The spirit of the eight regulations of the central government must be strict with the word、No relaxation。A few days ago,The State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection publicly notified the 7 typical issues of the eight regulations of the Central Committee。Specific as follows:

The State Development and Reform Commission Evaluation and Supervision Division Secretary of the Party Branch、Director Wang Qingyun received gifts illegally、Gifts,acceptance of banquets that may affect fair execution of official duties。2013 to 2021,Wang Qingyun has received high -end liquor sent by management and M88 appservice objects many times、Calligraphy works and other gifts and consumer cards,Banquets for multiple acceptance of management and service objects。Wang Qingyun still exists in other violations of discipline and law,Aglected from the party、Government affairs removal punishment。

Former Party Secretary of the Shanghai Futures Exchange、Chairman Jiang Yan received gifts illegally,Accepting banquets that may affect fair execution of official duties,illegal issuance and subsidies。2017 to 2021,Jiang Yan received the moon cakes sent by the management and service objects through the courier、Tea and other gifts,Some disciplinary behaviors occur around the festivals such as the Mid -Autumn Festival; repeatedly accepting management and service objects at high -end hotels、Banquet arranged by the company's internal cafeteria; issued a subsidy for cadres to buy houses in violation of regulations,and I receive subsidies illegally。Jiang Yan still exists in other disciplinary violations,Aglected from the party、Government affairs removal punishment。

China Minmetals Group Zhongye Huatian Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.、Chairman Tianye illegal public funds,Provides issues such as banquets that may affect fair execution of official duties。2019 to 2022,For the project,Field acquiescence subordinates will give high -end liquor worth 30,000 yuan for illegal regulations,Provide a banquet that may affect the execution of fair execution and drink high -end liquor。In multiple business receptions,illegal provision and drinking high -end liquor。Fields still exist in other violations of discipline and law,Aglected from the party、Government affairs removal punishment。

Director of the Population Resources and Environment Committee of the Lanzhou CPPCC in Gansu Province、Second -level inspector Yang Shengquan illegally borrowed the vehicle of a subordinate unit,acceptance of banquets that may affect fair execution of official duties。2018 to 2022,Yang Shengquan is the director of Lanzhou Food Bureau、Director of the Director of the Population Resources and Environment Committee of the CPPCC,illegal borrowing of official vehicles for subordinate units for business vehicles for them to get off work; before May 1st in 2021,Banquets arranged in illegal acceptance of management and service objects。Yang Shengquan still exists in other disciplinary problems,Direct warning within the party、Government m88 casino reviewAffairs Books Over Disclosure。

Gu Zhongwei, the former director of the Fuyang Municipal Party Committee of Anhui Province、The Director of the Municipal Finance Bureau, 笪 Chengcheng, accepted a banquet question that may affect the execution of official duties during the training。December 2022,Gu Zhongwei、Leading cadres who participated in the party school organized by the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee to study and implement the party's 20th spiritual training courses,Going out without approved,Accepting banquets that may affect fair execution of official duties,Drink high -end drinks,Gu Zhongwei also invited other public officials to participate in the banquet。Gu Zhongwei was severely warned within the party、Adjust the job treatment,笪 笪 笪 is subject to the party warning punishment,Other personnel are dealt with accordingly。

Former Party branch secretary of the Huaihai Theater Troupe of Jiangsu Province、Leader Chen Wanhong illegal public funds to eat and drink、illegal public funds and gifts。2016 to 2021,Chen Wanhong arranged for subordinates to invoiced through virtual、Virtual increase in benefits、Set up project funds and other methods to get public funds,A total of 403,600 yuan in illegal purchase of tobacco and alcohol,Chen Wanhong uses 20 cigarettes,The number of receptions through the virtual increase is super standard for official reception,Many times in the Mid -Autumn Festival、Public funds purchased during the holidays of the Spring Festival and presented a shopping card to relevant units、refueling card、Lift coupons, etc.。Chen Wanhong still exists in other disciplinary violations,Direct warning within the party、Destroy of government affairs。

Li Soft Ping, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Anze County, Linfen City, Shanxi Province, hosted a "movement banquet" illegal collection of gifts。October 2022,Li Soft Ping hosts a personal "movement banquet",Gifts of 50,100 yuan in illegal receiving management and service objects。Li Soft Ping was severely warned within the party。

The State Supervision Commission of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission pointed out,The formulation and implementation of the eight central provisions of the Central Committee is the move of our party in the new era,"Ten Years of Sword" achieved significant results,But when there is a phenomenon of disciplinary m88 casino reviewviolations,Stealth mutation behavior is dark and long,Must always be sober and firm,Strict grasp、Frequent grasp。7 cases of the above notification,All are issues that are punished by party discipline and government affairs due to violating the spirit of the eight central regulations,Is a typical typical typical,Most of the responsible persons are the "first leader" of the unit。Serious investigation and punishment of these problems,fully demonstrates the firm will of the Party Central Committee with strict promotion to implement the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee。Party organizations and leading cadres at all levels must consciously benchmark the table,Political responsibility for the construction of style construction,Highlight the strict attitude、Strict standards stand up、Strict discipline is implemented,Building the eight central regulations of the central government with a thorough self -revolutionary spirit。Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels must be determined to go to the end,Put the investigating cases in a more prominent position,zero tolerance for violating the eight regulations of the Central Committee,Regardless of job level,Who will deal with it seriously if you violate the regulations,Fight on the height extravagance,Prevention of new trends for stealth mutation,Strict investigation of the disciplinary violations of the wind,Constantly strengthen warning deterrence。To grasp the rules of style construction under the new situation,Forestically occurred、Repeated appearance stubborn illness,Fighting up the problem prominent、Full of work and region,A targeted force、Key breakthrough。To persist in correction trees,Education guides party members and cadres from ideological in ideology,Print the discipline of the rules in the heart,Daxing pragmatic wind,Promoting the wind of cleanliness,Develop simple wind。

The State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection emphasizes,During the festival period, the problem of "four winds" is easy to send multiple issues,Disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels must adhere to Mid -Autumn Festival、National Day node,Action quickly,Strengthen supervision and discipline,Continuous purification festival atmosphere。Fighting on "Holiday Disease",Seriously investigate and deal with public funds to eat and drink、Accepting banquets m88 casinoin a hidden place、Gift Gift Gifts in Violation、Borrowing the opportunity of marriage and funeral celebration to collect money、Public Federation Travel、Multiple problems such as private use in the bus,Resolutely prevent the "Four Winds" problems rebound。To grasp the characteristics of the festival,Vigorously cure high -priced moon cakes、Crab Card Crab Voucher、Evergreen and other issues behind youth extravagant phenomena,Grab the morning and grab the small、Prevent micro -Du Jie,Prevent the wind and become a trend。To increase supervision and investigation,Strengthen supervision and inspection、Demonstrate Damn Visit,Thoroughly investigating the "Four Winds" of the festival,Timely reporting exposure to typical cases,Continuously release strict signal。

Edit: Wu Yuxuan

School Division: Zhang Yingnan

Source: Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection