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Secretary of the Chinese Chemical Party Committee、Chairman Mo Dingge and his party went to Shaanxi Coal Group to discuss and exchange
Release time: 2024-05-24 "    Share to:


May 24th,Secretary of the Party Committee of Shaanxi Coal Group、Chairman Zhang Wenqi and the party committee secretary of China Chemical Engineering Group Co., Ltd.、Chairman Mo Dingge discussed。Standing Committee of the Chinese Chemical Party Committee、General Accountant Liu Dongjin,Chairman of the Trade Union、Chairman of the Supervisory Committee Xu Wanming; Member of the Party Committee of Shaanxi Coal Group、Chairman of the Trade Union、Employee Director Li Xiangdong,Deputy General Manager Song Zhaojun attended the discussion。


Zhang Wenqi welcomed Mo Dingge and his party. Welcome,Thank you China Chemistry for a long time to pay attention m88 casinoand support to Shaanxi Coal Group for a long time。He reviewed the design with Chinese chemistry、Construction and equity cooperation,and after the two sides learned and communicated with each other since last year,It means that the discussion and exchange will bring the cooperation between the two parties to a deeper and wider field。He introduced the basic situation of Shaanxi Coal Group、Production and operation status since last year,Measures taken by the downward market and project construction situation,I hope to learn the advanced management experience of Chinese chemistry in cooperation,Improve management level。At the same time,I hope to play a supporting role in cooperative services,Give more attention and support for key projects in Shaanxi Coal,Enhance the competitiveness of the product after the completion of the project,Promote the high -quality development of both parties。

Mo Dingge said,Shaanxi is the big energy province,It is also the main battlefield of Chinese chemical services,Shaanxi Coal Group is M88 logina very important service customer for Chinese chemistry。He introduced the industrial development of Chinese chemistry in recent years,Indicates that Chinese chemistry has technology,Shaanxi Coal Group has resources and industrial chain,Highly coupling in the development of new quality productivity,Chinese Chemistry will improve service level,Further service,I hope that the cooperation between the two parties will become better and better in the future。

Relevant departments of both parties、The person in charge of the enterprise attended the discussion。(Xu Baoping Liang Xingxing)

Source: Shaanxi Coal Group website