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Northern Shaanxi Mining Co., Ltd. 2024 "Safety Production Month" activity was launched
Release time: 2024-05-30 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Author: Liu Gang Ye Yang & NBSP & NBSP Views: 2447    Share to:

This is the 23rd "Safety Production Month" activity in the country this this this year,Northern Shaanxi Mining seriously implements Shaanxi Coal Group、Shaanxi coal industry work deployment,On May 29th, the 2024 "Safety Production Month" event launch meeting。

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It will convey the work requirements of Shaanxi Coal Group in June and 2024 "Safety Production Month" activities in June,I have studied deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Shaanxi Coal Group、Director、General Manager Zhao Futang Speaking Spirit。Company Deputy General Manager Ren Yanrong led the Shaanxi Coal Group、Shaanxi Coal Industry "Safety Production Month" activity plan; Deputy General Manager Lei Junhua deployed according to superior decision -making,Sixteen specific work is arranged around the theme of the event。

Company Party Committee Secretary、Chairman、General Manager Guo Zuoning pointed out M88 gamein his speech,After the launching meeting of the "Safety Production Month" of Shaanxi Coal Group,The company launched the "Everyone Saying Safe、Each Emergency -Unblocked Life Channel "The theme" Safety Production Month "activity,The purpose is to fully implement the work requirements of Shaanxi Coal Group,Unified Thought、improvement、Gathering Power,Strongly carry out good activities,Keep the company's continuous and stable security development trend。

​​Guo Zuo Ning request,First, the company needs to raise understanding,At an attitude of being responsible for the life of enterprises and employees,Thought "tight strings","Pull the Bow",Implement "Rive Foot",Topic theme of "Safety Production Month" activity,Strengthening safety awareness,Awareness and responsibility awareness,Really achieve "all staff coverage,Emergency skills are popular ",Effectively improve the level of safety management。The second is according to the company's arrangement,Carefully formulate a event plan,Conflict between up and down,Carry out good activities in a targeted manner,"Strict、fine、Fine work tone,To achieve the science and deployment of the M88 appprograms in advance,During the period, there are tracking implementation and information feedback,Afterwards, there are summaries and rewards and punishments。Third is to grab the key points,Strongly carry out laws and regulations for law and regulations、Safety prevention during the flood season、Major accident hidden dangers "Big Rose Bottom"、Fire concentration removal、Specific work such as emergency evacuation and escape exercise,Make sure to achieve an emergency purpose。Fourth, to advance the comprehensive and strict grasp of safety,Strict tone、Strict measures、Strict atmosphere persistence for a long time,To increase the implementation of responsibility for promoting safety responsibilities,Serious handling of illegal and illegal production operations。Broadly promoted a good typical example of the emergence of "Safety Production Month"、Good approach、Good measures and advanced individuals、Advanced Deed,Effectively create publicity safety、Pay attention to the momentum of security,Forms everyone to talk about safety、Emphasis on safety everywhere、Good situations that are safe and safe。(Liu Gang Ye Yang)