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Endeavour Shaanxi Coal APP
Release time: 2024-06-29     Author: Huang Wei    Views: 2910    Share to:


April this year,Shaanbei Mining Hanjiawan Coal Company’s total coal cost reduced by 10% compared with plan.23 yuan/ton。Hanjiawan Coal Company is one of the 36 pairs of production mines managed by 13 coal production companies in the coal sector of Shaanxi Coal Group,Approved annual production capacity of 4 million tons,The cost management level of thin coal seam mining is above average within Shaanxi Coal Group,His “Exploration and Practice of Industry-Financial Integration” won the second prize of the China Coal Industry Association’s 2023 Management Modernization Innovation Achievements。

With the changes in the contradiction between supply and demand,Strengthening cost management has become an important measure for coal companies to respond to market challenges。Hanjiawan Coal Company has also conducted in-depth exploration and practice in cost management。

What are the ways to strengthen cost management?

The cost per ton of coal is an important quantitative indicator to measure the M88 gamequality of coal mine development。Conditions for the existence of coal mines、Disaster situation、Production capacity、How much labor is required、The level of intelligence will affect the cost per ton of coal。“Different types of coal mines,Even if the production capacity is the same,Also due to geological structure、Different factors such as coal mine disasters lead to different costs of commercial coal。But there are many initiatives in cost management,It has reference significance for most coal mines。”Talk about cost management,Hu Ruhai, deputy operation manager of Hanjiawan Coal Company, has rich experience。

“We have established a production technology expense center、Electromechanical Equipment Cost Center、Fund Control and Expense Center、Project Engineering Cost Center,Strictly control costs and expenses。"Introduced by Hu Ruhai,Through cost refinement,The company explored and formed the “1443” all-employee and full-process cost control system,and production and operation data sharing、Efficient coordination of production, supply and marketing、The "Industry and Financial Integration" information platform that realizes business results every day。

In accordance with the relevant document requirements of Shaanxi Coal Group,Strengthening cost management mainly from strategic cost、Institutional cost、Business cost、Start with product cost and other aspects。“We fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of cadres and workers,Comprehensively build a long-term mechanism for reducing costs and increasing efficiency。"Hu Ruhai said,Cost reduction and efficiency increase are always the logical emphasis of coal mine production and operation。For this,The company vigorously creates a strong atmosphere of cost reduction and efficiency improvement,Incorporate various indicators into the scope of comprehensive budget control,Solidly promote refined cost management based on the “Double Ten System”,Achieved dynamic management、Static management、Refined cost management system featuring “industry and financial integration”。Now,Financial staff through the information platform,You can know the mining progress of the mine in real time、Product Inventory、Key business indicators such as product price trends。

Every month,The company’s district teams will hold a symposium on cost reduction and efficiency improvement results。Xu Guangtian, leader of the second production team of the continuous mining team, said: "We use waste anchors,Processed anti-splashing raincoat hanging device。Saves time,Improving efficiency again。”“We use waste materials to process 2 fan frames、m88 live casino and sports betting2 toolboxes、1 belt across the bridge、2 auxiliary transport gantry,Estimated material cost savings 3.50,000 yuan。" said Gary, the monitor of the maintenance team。

The company also adheres to the quarterly all-employee innovation project review mechanism。“35 national new utility patent applications for innovation achievements in 2023。First quarter of this year,105 innovative projects collected,Obtained 5 national new utility patents。" said Zhou Zhufeng, Director of the Production Geometry Technology Management Department,All employees innovated and optimized the production process,Improved production efficiency,Reduced costs。

Reasonable tax planning,It is also an effective measure to reduce costs and increase efficiency。“Obtained safe and efficient mine certification qualification on schedule,Can enjoy the preferential tax policies for the development of the western region。Currently,We are applying for it。"Hu Ruhai said,In addition,Their R&D projects are filed in a timely manner,Strive to enjoy the super deduction of R&D expenses;Compile and prepare corporate income tax reduction and credit information in a timely manner,Under corporate income tax final settlement,Ensure you enjoy various preferential tax policies。

Is there any room to improve cost management?

In cost management,Hanjiawan Coal Company has done a lot of fruitful work。Even so,There is still room for improvement in cost management。

"For example,We pay attention to saving expenses and reducing consumption in the production and operation process,But cost reduction and efficiency increase are not effectively integrated into the mining design、Safe investment、Project quality and other aspects,Make overall plans。Mainly manifested by poor overall cost process control effectiveness,Cost classification and classification control have not yet fully reached refinement。"Hu Ruhai said,This is the answer the company is working hard to complete。

The strategic decision-making of coal enterprises is closely related to cost management。“Contradiction between strategic decision-making and cost management,Often manifested in the relationship between resource investment and cost control。It is necessary to ensure the necessary investment in strategic decision-making,Also consider how to control costs。”To achieve sustainable development,Coal mines need to invest a lot of money in technological innovation、Device updates, etc.。To this,Hu Ruhai thinks,Strengthen internal communication and cooperation,Strict review of special funds、Significant costs、The rationality of large expenditures such as scientific research projects,Improve M88 appbudget accuracy,Resolve the contradiction between strategic decision-making investment and cost management as much as possible。

Management of low-value and consumable materials,Is the weak point of cost management。Strict review of material plan、Inbound and outbound ledger,Try to stock up as much as possible,Reduce new material purchase expenditure;Strictly implement the system of handing over the old and getting the new、Waste materials management system,Follow the material、Grease recovery rate for recycling and transfer to storage;Encourage district teams to perform independent maintenance,Increase the recycling and reuse of waste materials,Minimize the use of new materials;Report at the end of the month on material consumption and cost reduction and efficiency improvement results,Rewarding the good and punishing the bad... Hu Ruhai said: "Although we have been doing this work,But the depth and breadth are not enough。Intensify management efforts,Catch repeatedly、Catch repeatedly,Long-term success、Do good things and achieve good results。”

The bidding work has also been effectively reduced、Space for reasonable cost control。“Properly plan the project scale,Avoid increased costs due to increased scale;Optimized design plan,Reduce project costs;Introduction of competition mechanism,Choose cost-effective suppliers or contractors;Strengthen supervision and management of project costs,Ensure costs are controlled within a reasonable range。" Hu Ruhai said,These are measures to control costs from the source of bidding,The company has started implementation。

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Cost management is always on the way

Cost Management,It is not difficult to know,The journey is difficult。The author is in the interview,The biggest feeling is,Pay close attention to the implementation of the system、Reflecting full participation、Make overall plans、Focus on technological innovation、Strong and hard work,If we can work together,Coal mine costs will also drop significantly。

Pay close attention to the implementation of the system,Some rules and regulations、Compliance management has not achieved the expected results,The main reason lies in the execution process,Pay attention to procedures、Form Compliance,Ignore the inherent requirements of compliance management。Control costs from the source,The essence lies in the execution of the system,The key lies in strict control of the process。

Reflecting the participation of all employees,System、Formulation and implementation of measures,It must reflect “what to do” at the macro level,We must also pay attention to the "how to do it" m88 casino reviewat the operational level。In real work,Improve quality、Cost reduction、There are countless ways to increase efficiency,Can we achieve in-depth participation of all employees,Can we achieve refined implementation of institutional measures,Can we truly "settle accounts first?,Work later”,Whether the cost management system can be implemented and effective、How effective it is is crucial。

Achieve overall planning,Follow "High Point Positioning、System Planning、Highlight the key points、Enhanced execution、Result-oriented” job requirements,Cost management should enhance execution from the institutional level,Highlight creativity from the management level,Increase enthusiasm from the operational level,Only overall planning、Overall advancement,Grab the big ones but not the small ones、Seek the far rather than abandon the near,In order to achieve the expected results。

Focus on technological innovation,If you look at intelligent construction projects from the perspective of cost management,To avoid duplication of construction within the industry,Can directly copy existing mature technical routes and scientific and technological achievements,Choose “mass-produced” smart devices as much as possible,Reduce the “customization” of smart devices,Thus reducing trial and error costs and project costs,Achieving a win-win situation between technological innovation and cost control。

Strong and hard work,Hold on tightly、Always work hard、Tighten your grip and never let go,Only in this way can we build a long-term mechanism to reduce costs and increase efficiency。Low-cost coal mine,High-quality development may not be achieved;Coal mine with high cost,Definitely not high-quality development。Coal mines must achieve high-quality development,Cost management is crucial,The key is to find the right entry point,Use practical actions to interpret "Tao to Simplicity",Practice is the key,Don’t abandon Wei Mo,Never give up an inch of effort”。(Huang Wei)