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Sun Jiacha Longhua Mining Company: "Three -color" brighten the mine value
Release time: 2022-03-10 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Author: Zhao Qianlong & nbsp & nbsp Views: 24421    Share to:

In recent years,Sun Jiacha Longhua Mining Company pursues the environmental concept of "green water and green mountains is the golden mountains and silver mountains",Continue to increase investment in ecological environmental protection funds,Efforts to create a standardized green mine "display window",A "higher quality、Better benefits、The structure is better、Green development road with green background。2021,The company is included in the national green mine list。

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Deep leaves,Tree strong fruit thick。To build the foundation of environmental protection,Sun Jiacha Longhua Mining Company continues to improve the construction of ecological environmental protection responsibility system,Normal development of environmental protection hidden dangers and daily supervision,Organize various publicity and training activities,Constantly planting the beautiful background of the mine。

For strengthening assessment、Clear responsibility,2021,The company has revised 27 ecological environmental protection management systems such as M88 app"Environmental Protection Management Measures" and "Environmental Monitoring and Management System",According to the "Environmental Protection Basic Management Evaluation Measures"。Signed an ecological environmental protection responsibility letter with various units,Correction of environmental protection responsibilities。

At the same time,Company actively docking with the Department of Ecological Environment of Shaanxi Province,Formulated 10 million tons/A EIA Report Approval Plan,Started the preparation of the EIA Report of EIA and Coal Mine Project EIA for the Mining Area。

Deepen the environmental governance to add beautiful bright color

Sun Jiacha Longhua Mining Company with the serious strength of "can't rub the sand in the eyes","Zero tolerance" for environmental problems found,Go all out to promote the governance of ecological environment。2021,Carrying out the hidden dangers of ecological environment 34 times,Finding 301 hidden dangers,All rectification。

2021,The company's intelligent dust reduction system was built and put into the factory area、Dust Online Monitoring System、Factory car washing table,Reform the windy well drinking water treatment facility,Replaced industrial water reverse osmosis membrane,The level of environmental governance facilities further improves。The company's comprehensive use of 987,500 tons of ore coal vermiculite throughout the year、Clade 204,000 tons,Destiny water、Dust、Noise and other environmental m88 casinoindicators all meet the standards。

Promoting project construction depicts beautiful colors

Sun Jiacha Longhua Mining Company leads high -quality development,Continue to promote the construction of key projects and the restoration of the geological environment of the mine and the reclamation of the land,Actively adjust the industrial structure,Cultivate and create a new format。

The company has newly established an ecological agricultural company,Develop ecological agriculture through the "planting+breeding+vegetable greenhouse" model,Practicing the "Two Mountain Theory" with actual actions,Promoting industrial integration,Drive regional economic development。

2021,The company has implemented the greening venue landscape greening、Land Environmental Governance、17 mine geological environmental protection and land reclamation projects, including the governance of the front slope governance of the front Liangfang body bodies in Sunjiacha Town。At the same time,Completed the construction of water insurance and environmental protection facilities for comprehensive utilization of coal stones,Continuously promoted key projects such as the treatment and comprehensive utilization project of industrial wastewater treatment and comprehensive utilization of the mine。

From passive to active,Refining from m88 casinosimple land、Environmental improvement to a destination for ecological governance,Target with sustainable development,Sun Jiacha Longhua Mining Company's mining ecological construction has come out of a road that is suitable for its own characteristics。(Author: Zhao Qianlong  Edit: Wang Yu)