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Hanjiawan Coal Company: Heart Heart -warm diagnosis and treatment into the mining area
Release time: 2024-04-26 "    Share to:

To further improve employees' self -care and ability to prevent diseases,April 25,Hanjiawan Coal Company invited the Anno Insurance Service Team to carry out supplementary medical insurance health management activities,More than 300 company employees and family members participated in the event。

"Hypertension is a potential dangerous disease,It is easy to cause heart disease、stroke、serious complications such as kidney disease disease,Must be highly valued,。”

"Shoulder and waist pain heavy is preventing and maintenance,Keep the right standing position in daily life、Siter and Sleeping position,Strengthen appropriate exercise,Keep in mind ‘triple -point、M88 appSeven -point support 'is the key。”


8:30 am,Special lectures on health knowledge,Teacher combined with his many years of medical experience,Usually easy -to -understand language、Specific common cases,Graphic and Mo、Vividly describes the common sense of prevention and treatment of health care knowledge and the "three high" diseases,and proposed a healthy diet、Nutrition match、Reasonable exercise and other suggestions,Guide everyone to do a good job of health management,Cultivate a positive and healthy life concept,Develop a living habit of scientific civilization。



Later on -site free clinic activities,Including TCM Face Diagnosis、Helicobacter pylori detection、Slow disease identification、Basic inspection of the oral cavity and supplementary medical reimbursement consultation。On -site medical staff enthusiastically answered questions for each employee,Guide employees reasonably medication、Science Health。On -site providing blood pressure measurement for employees needed for free、Chinese medicine neck and shoulder M88 loginmassage、Waist and leg moxibustion and other service items,And presented the protective supplies "Souvenis" for employees who came to the free clinic。There is an endless stream of employees who come to the free clinic、Referred to the response。

"Thank you company for asking the experts and professors to the‘ door of the house ’,Provide us with professional、authority、Convenient medical services,At the same time, I also have a deeper understanding of the use of supplementary medical insurance,Warm in the heart。"Employee Zhao Junsheng said excitedly。

The content of this event is rich and practical,Everyone said,Not only learned scientific health knowledge,It also enhanced the awareness of disease prevention and management,In the future, it will further develop a scientific and healthy lifestyle,With a strong physique、Healthy Psychology、Fine energy continues to emit light,Contribute to the company's high -quality development。(Tian Rui Yang Boyu)