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Shaanxi Coal Group held a coordination and solving the opinions of the group's work opinions and suggestions to promote the implementation meeting
Release time: 2024-04-27 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Author: Xu Baoping & nbsp & nbsp Views: 1697    Share to:


In the afternoon of April 27,Shaanxi Coal Group held a coordination and solving the opinions of the group's work opinions and suggestions to promote the implementation meeting。Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Group Company、Director、General Manager Zhao Futang presided over the meeting,Leadership of the Group Company、The person in charge of each department attended the meeting。

March M88 gamethis year,The Group Corporation was in the process of appraising in 2023,A total of 46 companies have received 115 suggestions on the group work。Subsequent,These suggestions are feedback to various departments of the group and presented members of the group team,Specify the coordination implementation of a special person。This meeting aims to further promote the implementation of this work。

Will on the way,The implementation of the opinions and suggestions in the area in charge in charge of each department report,The leaders of each branch supplemented。Zhao Futang report carefully to the content of the report、On -site coordination,and put forward guidance。

Zhao Futang pointed out,Implement solving the opinions and suggestions of the group's work,is the construction of the "Five Type" headquarters、Important measures to improve the management level of the headquarters,Chairman Zhang Wenqi attaches great importance to,Arrange this meeting。The main purpose of this meeting is to make this job in practice,Better guidance、m88 casino reviewSupport、Service grassroots unit,Promote the coordinated development of the industrial sectors of the group,Improve the level of control and service efficiency of the headquarters。

Zhao Futang emphasized,We must sort out 115 opinions and suggestions,precise decomposition to various departments,All departments must clarify leaders in charge,Clear related coordination department、Cooperative department,Clear work direction,Clear working time time limit,Clear work target,Do this job well。Communicate with the unit involved,Hurry up to implement each opinion and suggestion,To make a binding to the ground,It should be clear,Standards should be sold on schedule。

The meeting also studied internal cooperation related matters。(Xu Baoping)

Source: Shaanxi Coal Group website