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Shaanxi Coal Group held a special meeting on production safety
Release time: 2024-04-27 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Author: Xu Baoping & nbsp & nbsp Views: 1631    Share to:


On the afternoon of April 27,Shaanxi Coal Group held a special meeting on production safety。Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Group Company、Director、General Manager Zhao Futang presided over the meeting and spoke。Leadership of the Group Company、The person in charge of each department attended the meeting。

Zhao Futang pointed out,Enter the rapid rise in temperature in May,Dafeng、Rain rain、Lightning and other extreme weather increases,plus the "May 1st" holiday is coming,Safety risk increase,Prevention pressure is great。According to Chairman Zhang Wenqi's arrangement and requirements,In order to do a good job of safety production in major festivals and special time,Hold this meeting。

Zhao Futang Requirement,1 is to tighten the strings of safe production at all times,improvement,Effective enhancement of "everything in the accident is zero",Deeply absorbing accident lessons,Pay attention to solving problems existing in safe production,Actively take strong measures,Preventing and resolving various safety risks。The second is to carry out three -year operation of the cure of the same tackling,Strict implementation、fine、Fine work requirements,Grasp the three -year operation of the three -year operation of the cure。The focus of the work must be "six must",That is, safety training must be valid,"Three Pipes and Three Musts" implementation must be in place,Hidden dangers must be deepened,Outsourcing foreign rent must be strictly controlled,Fire hazards must be eliminated,Technical defense facilities must be advanced。Third is to do a good job of safety and safety and environmental protection work in special periods。On the one hand, deploy in advance,Do a good job of security during the flood season,Also tell the holiday employees to pay attention to the safety of the journey。On the other hand,Keep M88 loginan eye on strict prevention,Organize the work tasks of the "May 1st" holiday,It is necessary to strictly implement the 24 -hour duty system of leading cadres in the job and leaders in the job and leaders,Make sure the information report is timely and accurate。He emphasized,Safety production is more important than Taishan,Can't relax for a moment,Keep a high degree of vigilance at all times,With the attitude of "zero tolerance",Grabbing the implementation of various safety measures to implement,Resolutely prevent curbing and curbing various accidents。

Du Ping, deputy general manager of the group company,Safety inspection must cover all locations,All routes,Make sure no safe dead angle,Don’t leak safety blind spots。

will be on,Wang Xicai, general manager of the Group Safety Supervision Department, notified the progress of the key safety work in April,Arrange the key work in May。(Xu Baoping)

Source: Shaanxi Coal Group website