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Hanjiawan Coal Company's cost reduction and efficiency increases multiple measures
m88 casino reviewRelease time: 2024-05-03 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Author: Jiang Ting & nbsp & nbsp Views: 1815    Share to:

Since this year,Hanjiawan Coal Company anchor the annual task target,Focus on cost reduction and efficiency、Multi -measure creation effect,Persist in the whole process of the idea of ​​"too tight days" through the whole process of M88 loginproduction and operation,Fully launches cost reduction and efficiency increases。


The company firmly establishes the idea of ​​"too tight life",Always take cost reduction and efficiency as the main line of work,Formulate measures、Strengthening implementation,Increase cost control management strength。Revised and improved the "Implementation Plan for Constructing a Long -Effect Mechanism for Treatment of Turnives", "Administrative Measures for Turnives and Increasing Efficiency", and "Measures for the Management of Travel Expenses"。Regularly holding cost reduction and efficiency work promotion meeting,Strengthen the control function of the four expense centers,Incorporate cost reduction and efficiency into the entire process of M88 loginproduction and operation management,Continuous improvement of cost control level。Organs and departments、The district team formulates a list of responsibilities、Question list,Implement the main responsibility,Orderly advance cost reduction increase。

Strengthening production organizations,Grasp the safe production,Refine and break down M88 loginproduction and operation target tasks。Pay attention to output、Entry、Product coal cost、Profit and other key elements full -process control,Further compact task、Double responsibility for cost,Fully release high -quality production capacity,Fully expand cost reduction space。According to the change of coal quality of the work surface,Timely adjust the selection process and parameters,To promote the price with quality、Create effect with quality。Strengthen the maintenance and maintenance of electromechanical equipment,Make sure that the mechanical and electrical equipment is healthy and stable。Strictly implement the system of avoiding peak -avoiding valley,Adjust the comprehensive mining unit、Main transport、Drainage、Wash selection system and other large equipment boot time,Reduce electricity expenses。

Vigorously promote the refined cost of cost,Deepen comprehensive budget management,Orderly reduce the material fee、Maintenance fee、Expense engineering and other projects。Strengthen special funds、Revitalization projects and other major fund expenditure project review intensity,Strict control costs。Increase the promotion and application of the "Three Networks and One Platform" and "1443 Full Process Cost Management System",Fandering scientific research argument、Bidding ratio、Acceptance、Account、Settlement and other key links,and assessment M88 gameawards、Evaluation analysis and other internal control and incentive links,Delivery Li Xin,Maximum reduction costs。

Seriously implement the waste material management system,Active waste materials。Regularly take an inventory of waste materials,Promote internal resource sharing,Reduce repeated procurement; encourage technological innovation,R & D new and efficient equipment and tools,Reduce the production of waste materials。At the same time,Grasp the big or small,Highlight all staff innovation,Actively guide employees to reduce emission reduction around energy saving、cost reduction and efficiency、Innovation and key issues such as improving efficiency and other difficulties。Not only does it solve the bottleneck problem restricting production efficiency,Also made waste materials "abandoned treasures", "bad becomes good", "old new",To the greatest extent, it can be fulfilled、Materials to be used,Turning waste into treasure。

At the same time,Do a good job of tax planning,You should enjoy preferential policies。Obtain the qualifications of safe and efficient ore determination,Actively apply for preferential taxation policies in the western development;,Strive to enjoy the cost of R & D expenses and deductions; timely sort out and prepare for corporate income tax reduction and credit information,In 2023, corporate income tax is settled,Implementing various tax preferential M88 loginpolicies,A total of "three items" have obtained "three items" tax rates of 876,200 yuan,R & D plus deduction 108,600 yuan,The western development reduction and exemption 90.941 million yuan,Total 91.9259 million yuan。(Jiang Ting)