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Zhang Wenqi met with the Party Committee Secretary of the Group of the 18th Bureau of China Railway、Chairman Yan Guangtian and his party
Release time: 2024-05-11 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Author: Liang Xingxing & NBSP & Nbsp Views: 1595    Share to:


On the afternoon of May 10,Secretary of the Party Committee of Shaanxi Coal Group、Chairman Zhang Wenqi met with the visiting Party Committee of the 18th Bureau Group of the 18th Bureau of China Railway at the group headquarters、Chairman Yan Guangtian and his party。Yu Baihua, deputy general manager of China Railway 18th Bureau Group,Member of the Party Committee of Shaanxi Coal Group、Deputy General Manager Yuan Guangjin attended the meeting。


Zhang m88 casinoWenqi welcomed Yan Guangtian and his party. Welcome,Thank you for your help and support to the China Railway 18th Bureau Group for helping and support for the help and support of the China Railway Group。He introduced the development of various business segments of Shaanxi Coal Group、The production and operation status of last year and the first quarter of this year,Express,China Railway 18th Bureau Group is market -oriented、Cost control、Refined management and other advantages are obvious,It is worth learning and reference in Shaanxi Coal Group。I hope that the two parties will be based on the original good cooperation,Give full play to their respective advantages,Continue on road traffic、Tunnel、Deepen cooperation in the construction of ventilation vertical wells,mutual benefit and win -win,jointly promoting high -quality development of enterprises on both sides。

Yan Guangtian congratulated the good business performance of Shaanxi Coal Group in recent years,Express the four business philosophy M88 appof Shaanxi Coal Group's implementation。He briefly introduced the basic situation of China Railway 18th Bureau Group and on the bridge、Unique advantages in the fields of tunnel construction,also expressed the hope that the infrastructure construction of large projects in the future、Bridge Tunnel Construction and other areas of the 18th Bureau of the 18th Bureau of China Railway further strengthen cooperation,The 18th Bureau of China Railway will continue to help the high -quality development of Shaanxi Coal Group with high -quality products as always with high -quality products。

The relevant departments and enterprises of the two parties participated in the meeting。(Liang Xinxing)

Source: Shaanxi Coal Group website