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Hanjiawan Coal Company's labor competition "momentum"
Release time: 2024-05-17 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Author: Guo Hongxin & nbsp & nbsp Views: 1239    Share to:

It is quite fierce! Coal m88 casinoproduction and sales have completed the struggle index for many consecutive days,Coal quality continues to meet the standard、higher than expected,The coal rate is a good momentum of steady and rising ...,Hanjiawan Coal Company carefully organized labor competition,Fully stimulates the subjective initiative of the majority of cadres and employees,Awareness with competition、Personal attitude、Dry energy,Sprint "Double Half Half" goal。


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"For us,The greatest happiness is to see my husband happy to work,Ping Ping An will go home ... "Recently,Hanjiawan Coal Corporation held "Increase Incurrence、Strong Faith "Family Symposium。Will on the way,14 ore 矿 feels like,Ding Nuyou conveys the cherishment of safety,Deldo the employees present to be deeply touched。

Various safety actions are endless! In the comprehensive mining team's learning room,The coal mining driver Kang Dede shared his "Safety Scripture" in front of the screen: "When the coal mining machine is started again,It must be confirmed by safety,Determine no one in the alert area and then turn it on。"This is the" everyone talks about safety "activity carried out by Hanjiawan Coal Company,By letting employees share security experience、Explanation Note,Improve the safety quality of all staff。

In addition,Hanjiawan Coal Company strictly observed the operation site safety pass,The normal application intelligent security monitoring system,Give play to the supervision effectiveness of "AI+Thousand Eye Video"。Strengthening four members m88 casino reviewand two long -term on -site safety supervision strength,On -site implementation of safety operation regulations and safety technical measures,Implement the "Five Tips for Safety",Effective prevention、Resolution and control risk,and timely investigate and control hidden dangers,Promoting the on -site safety management promotion upgrade。


Make efficiency and improve "serial recruitment"

The operation of the electromechanical equipment is a barometer of coal production。Hanjiawan Coal Company strictly implements the equipment contracting system,Forced the "Responsibility Field",Make every maintenance process。Careful studying the operation of the equipment,Strengthen the management cycle management of the equipment,Replace "sub -health" components in advance,Actively investigate the condition of easy loss components,Improve the integrity and start rate of equipment。

Scientific decomposition production and ruler task indicators,Positive motivation、Inverse assessment、Timely fulfilling,Stimulate the enthusiasm of production safety in each position,Create the "ratio、Get、Super "strong atmosphere。Pay attention to the collaboration between the team,Create good production conditions,and strengthen the quality acceptance assessment of the work site engineering quality,Improve the scientific and standardized of each position operation,Build a benign production cycle,Strive to achieve the efficient goal of stable production。

"Another,We also have a secret weapon m88 casino review-innovation。"Li Kai, deputy captain of the comprehensive mining team,Step in the work surface increase、Dajin coal card blocking and other problems,They actively carry out technological innovation and small reforms,Adopt the modified coal mining machine skate boots、Method of changing the coal mining machine and cutting coal、Reconstruction of the loader's inlet mouth and other methods,Effectively improved production efficiency。


Actuable cost reduction and efficiency "one account"

Everything surrounds benefits。Hanjiawan Coal Company strictly implemented the "four business philosophy" of Shaanxi Coal Group,Treat cost reduction and efficiency through all aspects of production and operation,Tomberly tap the internal dive。Company comprehensively promotes refined coal quality management,Reasonable control of high according to geological changes,Strengthening the excavation of the excavation site,Increase the frequency of on -site sampling test,Make sure the coal mass continues to meet the standard。

The efficiency of coal washing is not to be ignored: according to the change of coal quality of the coal amount of coal,Fandering the coal flow system、Water circulation system、Medical Pharmacy System,Timely adjust the selection process and parameters,Ensure stable efficiency、Efficient production、Quality qualification,A significant increase in coal rates,and keep it above 30%,The production and marketing structure has changed from "increasing income from quantity" to "creating effectiveness"。

Persevere and can repair m88 casino reviewwithout scrap、Can use the principle of new non -receiving new,Evaluation of strict materials and materials、Lead、Recycling full process supervision and management。Empathetic equipment with a certain maintenance value to relevant district teams and individuals for repair,After the appraisal and acceptance, it meets the reuse requirements and put it into use,Reward to related district teams and personnel,Gathering bit of force,Help cost reduction and efficiency。(Guo Hongxin)