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M88 loginQingfeng is a hand -painted picture -the results of the clean culture construction of Shaanxi Coal Group are officially released
Release time: 2024-05-17 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Author: Shaanxi Coal Group Discipline Inspection Commission & NBSP & NBSP Views: 1631    Share to:

May 17,Shaanxi Coal Group Qingfeng is successfully held for the release ceremony of the achievement of the achievement of the creation of integrity cultural construction,On -site "Compilation of the Integrity Culture of Shaanxi Coal Group" and "Video Collection of the Achievement of Culture Culture Construction"。The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission in Shaanxi Coal Group、Member of the Party Committee of Shaanxi Coal Group、Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission Yan Hengguang attended the ceremony and speak。


It is reported,"Compilation of the Boutiques of the Honesty Culture of Shaanxi Coal Group",On the basis of the system summarizing the effectiveness of the two batches of clean cultural construction demonstration sites,Active communication、Share the achievements of the integrity culture construction of all units,Vigorously carry out the work of integrity and cultural boutique,Editable results printed books。"Video Collection of the Construction Achievement of Integrity Culture" A total of 12 episodes,Included 28 demonstration units (points) and 4 radiation effects of 28 clean cultural construction demonstration m88 casino reviewunits (points)。Comprehensive demonstration of the group's integrity culture construction demonstration leading effect,stereo、visualization、Comprehensively promote the construction of a new era for the integrity culture of the new era for the group,Provide mutual learning and learning、Methods and paths with complementary advantages。


On the launching ceremony,Yan Hengguang summarized the achievements of the integrity culture of the group system,and put forward requirements for the next step in the construction of clean cultural construction。To strengthen arrangement and deployment。Timely transforming effective practices and successful experiences formed into a system,Combined with the work of the enterprise center,CICS results、Promotion Experience,At the same time, the "six one" project and "six -entry" projects such as integrity culture construction at the same time,Create a common management、Long -term mechanism of linkage up and down,Form the unified leadership of the party committee、The party and the government grasp the common management、Coordination of the Discipline Inspection Commission Organization、Working pattern of active participation of cadres and employees。We must play a demonstration leading role。All units should be based on actual work,Adhere to "with point with point,Demonstration Leading "work ideas,Forms a step -by -step、Overall M88 gamepromotion work pattern。To persist in the benchmark and opposite table,Actively learn from learning advanced experience and practice,Combined with the actual enterprise,Promote the construction of integrity culture with targeted and operable。To play the role of members at all levels of leaders at all levels。Political responsibility for the "key minority" to actively play the role of "key minority",Focus on key tasks such as the group company's cost reduction and efficiency and other key tasks,Efforts to create a political ecology with a righteousness。Vigorously cultivate the moral ethics of party members and cadres,Adhere to the guidance of scientific theoretical armed forces,Specifications for disciplinary rules,Specifications for disciplinary rules,Wake up with a typical warning of the negative side,Guide party members and cadres to take the lead in practicing integrity culture,Promoting the construction of integrity culture and taking a deep practice。


At the ceremony,also awarded the "Compilation of the Integrity Cultural Boutique of Shaanxi Coal Group" and "Video Collection of the Culture Construction Achievement" for 8 units.。

2024 All trainees of the first phase of the disciplinary inspection and supervision business training course of Shaanxi Coal Group、Members of Binchang Mining Related Team Participate in the Starting Rites。(Discipline Inspection Commission M88 appof Shaanxi Coal Group)