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The Party Committee of Shaanxi Coal Group held a mobilization deployment meeting of 2024 inspections
Release time: 2024-05-21 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Author: Wang Lin Lei Zhongbin & NBSP & NBSP Views: 1569    Share to:


May 21st,The Party Committee of Shaanxi Coal Group held a mobilization deployment meeting of 2024 inspections,In -depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on the party's self -revolution and important exposition on inspection,Comprehensively implement the newly revised "Regulations on the Work of the Communist Party of China" and the central government、Provincial Party Committee、The deployment requirements of the Party Committee of the Provincial SASAC on inspection and inspection,Mobilization and arrange the group party committee of the group 2024 inspection。Secretary of the Party Committee of Shaanxi Coal Group、Chairman、Zhang Wenqi, the leader of the leadership group of the inspection work, attended the meeting and delivered a speech,Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee、Director、General Manager Zhao Futang presided over the meeting。

Learn from the meeting,Study on the Party Committee m88 casino reviewof the Group Corporation,Return to Chenghe Mining Company、Huangling Mining Company、Bin Chang Mining Company、Weihua Company、Shenwei Management and Transport Company、Fugu Energy Company、Construction Group and Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd. A total of 8 units party committees carry out regular inspections,From late May to the end of July,about 60 days。

Zhang Wenqi pointed out,Since 2023,Group Party Committee insisted on "discover problems、Form a deterrent、Promoting reform、Promoting Development "inspection work policy,Strongly carry out a new round of party committee inspections,Promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to advance in depth,Supervision and guaranteeing discipline、Promoting the improvement of the development role is continuously highlighted,Make a new obvious results in the inspection work。First, the work is promoted solid and effective,Innovation working mechanism、Form the "4321" inspection work idea,Effectively guarantee the quality of inspection work。Second, the role of the sword is prominent,For the group's further vulnerability、Make -up shortcomings、Provides a good basis for promoting specifications。Third, the effectiveness of the results is significant,Solidly promotes "after the touches" and "Unconduct",Effectively resolved various risks。Fourth is the continuous release of supervision efficiency,Effective enlarged inspections and rectification results,Promote the continuous optimization of company governance,The institutional program is continuously improved,The operating mechanism is constantly standardized,It provides strong guarantee for the Group's high -quality development of the group。

Do a good job of inspections this year,Zhang Wenqi pointed out,To deepen ideological understanding,Grasp the inspection requirements。First, accurately grasp the fundamental task requirements of inspections,Loyalty to practice "two maintenance" with actual actions。Second, accurately grasp the requirements of the two principles of inspection work,The "self -revolution" runs through the inspection,Persist in discovery problems as the primary responsibility of inspection,Strengthen political supervision,Ensure the major decision -making deployment of the group's party committee,Group's "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" and key tasks in the whole year are effective in all units。Third is to accurately grasp the requirements for strengthening key M88 appminority supervision,Promote all units to strengthen supervision、Blocking vulnerability、Perfect system,Supervise the "first leader" and the leadership team are strict with self -discipline、Strict responsibility、The jurisdiction of the strict management office。Fourth, accurately grasp the requirements of the use of inspections and rectification results,According to the requirements of the "two strictness" of inspections and inspections,Do a solid inspection "The second half of the article",Incorporate the use of inspection rectification and results into daily work,Integrate to deepen reform,Integrate to comprehensively and strictly govern the party,Integrated into the team of the team,Efforts to block the vulnerability、source governance、Promoting reform、Grand results in promoting development。  Combined with the new round of inspections of the Group's Party Committee and the problems found in the inspection rectification evaluation in March this year,Zhang Wenqi emphasized,To persist in problem -oriented,Plastering the sword of the inspection of the sword。To deeply understand the "implementation of superiors and group party committees、Implementing the requirements of comprehensive and strict party governance、Implementing the party's organizational route,Implementation of regulations and regulations, in accordance with discipline and law, regulating enterprises、Implementation of the rectification of inspections and inspections,Real cutting back to the source,Knowing from thought、Responsibility implementation、Measures to formulate、Rectification and questioning results in coordinated force,Continuous advancement, one, three and thorough rectification。

Zhang Wenqi requires this round of inspections to highlight the focus of supervision,For inspection effect。We must adhere to the positioning of political inspections,close to the main business of the inspection unit,In contrast to "Four Implementation",Highlighting the focus of supervision,Strengthen supervision and inspection,Following the focus of discovering and cracking the main contradictions and deep issues that affect high -quality development。First focus on "two maintenance",Ensure for decision -making deployment implementation; second, focus on the overall situation of the center,Highlight the focus on the quality and efficiency of development; third, focus on the main responsibility,In -depth advancement of the party to strictly m88 casino reviewgovern the party; fourth to focus on "the second half of the article",Continuous effort issues rectification,organically combined rectification and rectification,Integrate rectification into the entire process of reform and development of the group,Promoting inspection and supervision、Rectification、Governance organically interact。

Zhang Wenqi emphasized,It is necessary to systematically promote,Gathering inspections。Be sure to unify thinking、Raise Knowing,Collaborative cooperation、Answer the same question,Work together to complete the inspection task,Make sure that real results are achieved。To strengthen collaboration and cooperation,Carefully organize implementation; the inspector unit must perform political responsibility,Consciously accept supervision; the inspection team must strictly discipline the style,Forging inspection Iron Army。The group must be highly political consciousness,Strict、Do a good job of inspections this year,Continuously promoting the development of the party in an all -round way,To promote the high -quality development of the group、Create a world -class enterprise to make new contributions。

Zhao Futang emphasized the spirit of this meeting,All units、Each department must quickly convey the spirit of this meeting,Effectively unify the thinking and actions to the decision -making deployment of the party committee of the group,Make sure that the inspection work achieves effectiveness。8 inspection units must establish a contact mechanism for inspection work as soon as possible,Provide information to be objective and authentic,Schedule resources to be fast and efficient,Reflecting the problem to seek truth from facts,Fully cooperate and ensure the smooth development of the inspection work。Each inspection team must strictly abide by the group's party committee's discipline requirements for inspection work,With a solid work style and a good work attitude,Complete this inspection task at high quality。All departments、All units should take this inspection as an opportunity,Establishing a problem rectification work closed -loop mechanism,Do a good job of rectification of inspections。

Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Group Corporation Zhang Haiquan convey the central government、The spirit of the deployment meeting of the relevant inspection work of the Provincial Party Committee,Read the "Approval of the Establishment of the Interim Party Branch of the Inspection Team";、Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission m88 casinoof the Group Company、Yan Hengguang, deputy leader of the leadership group of inspection work, read the "Notice on the Inspection Work of the Party Committee of 8 units such as Chenghe Mining Company" in the Party Committee of the Group Corporation。


Subsequent,The Group's Party Committee carried out the training of 2024 inspections。Deputy Director of the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office Feng Zhiwen's Background on the Amendment of the "Regulations on the Work of the Communist Party of China"、Key content、Implementation and other aspects to make special counseling lectures。

Leadership of the Group Corporation; the principals of the headquarters of the headquarters,Secretary of the Party Committee of the Units of the Units、Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection;、Organization、Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision Department head; all inspectors and inspection office、The staff of the rectification office attended the meeting at the main venue。Members of other teams in each second -level unit belonging to,Discipline Inspection Commission、Organization、The person in charge of the financial department; the main leader of the party and government of the third -level unit、Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission attended the meeting at each branch venue。(Wang Lin Lei Zhongbin)

Source: Shaanxi Coal Group website