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Northern Shaanxi Mining Company held a special meeting of inspections and rectification work
Release time: 2024-05-29 "    Share to:

May 28,Northern Shaanxi Mining Company held a special meeting of inspections and rectification work,Conveying the spirit of the mobilization deployment meeting of the Party Committee of Shaanxi Coal Group in 2024,Secretary of the Party Committee of the Company、Chairman、General Manager Guo Zuo Ning chaired the meeting。


The meeting conveyed the party committee secretary of the Shaanxi Coal Group、Chairman Zhang Wenqi's speech at the mobilization deployment meeting of 2024 and the main content of the first round of inspection work arrangements of the party committee of the group company。

Meeting requirements,The party committee of the units affiliated (general branch、branch)、All departments of the organs must thoroughly implement the spirit of mobilization deployment meeting of the party committee of Shaanxi Coal Group,24 lists listed around the group inspection work,Comprehensive self -examination and self -correction,Establish a list of self -examination questions,Complete self -examination issues to rectify the problem within 3 months,Effectively do a good job of "unopened" and "normal reform" work。

Guo Zuo Ning pointed out,Since the issue of claiming and rectifying the feedback of the provincial party committee in 2019,The company's party committee faces the problem of "forever on the road"、Normal M88 loginrectification。Rectification through inspection issues,Company management is continuously strengthened,The institutional program is continuously improved,The operating mechanism is constantly standardized,It provides a strong guarantee for the company's high -quality development of the company。

How to improve the quality and efficiency of inspection and rectification,High -quality promotion inspection and rectification work,Guo Zuo Ning request,1 is to improve political standing,Pick up political responsibility,Complete the inspection and rectification and self -examination and self -reforming political task with the most resolute attitude。To further improve the importance of inspection and rectification work、Urgent understanding,Promote the company's construction of high -quality development first -class demonstration enterprises with the actual results of rectification。Second, insist on problem -oriented,Pay attention to real reforms,Promote the rectification of the inspection feedback to achieve results with the most powerful measures。Each leading rectification responsibility department must effectively enhance the sense of responsibility、urgency、Mission feel,Do a good job of inspections and rectification "The second half" article。Third is to continue in -depth rectification,Create the "Three List",Promote the M88 apprectification and rectification with the most firm determination。To establish a "problem list", "task list" and "liability list",Incorporate inspection and rectification into the important content of the annual assessment and democratic life of leaders at all levels,Important content included in the annual duties of managers at all levels。Fourth is to focus on political construction,Deepening results conversion,Promote new breakthroughs in various tasks with the most pragmatic style。Party organizations at all levels must comprehensively promote the party's political construction、Thought construction、Organization construction、Work style construction、Disciplinary construction and system construction,Taking firm ideals and beliefs as the primary task to carry out political life within the party。Five is to pay attention to the symptoms and cure,Consolidate rectification effectiveness,Thoroughly rectified with the most stringent supervision and assessment。Party organizations at all levels must adhere to the "four integration" requirements in rectification work,Strengthen supervision and inspection,Strictly check the matters of the rectification、sales number management,Ensure that the company's inspection and rectification effectiveness can withstand practical inspection。

The meeting was held in the form of video,Member of the company's leadership team、The m88 casinoperson in charge of various departments of the organs,Members of the leaders of all units,The person in charge of each department attended the meeting。(Cui Xu Wang Yu)