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Release time: 2024-06-02 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Author: Zheng Qinyue & nbsp & nbsp Views: 1801    Share to:

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May 27,Northern Shaanxi Mining Company held a party disciplinary study and education promotion meeting,Comprehensive and in -depth implementation of the central government、Provincial Party Committee and Shaanxi Coal Group Party Committee's deployment requirements on party discipline education,Further clarify the task,Compact responsibility,High -quality promoting the orderly development of party discipline learning and education、Go deep and actual。


The conference conveyed the spirit of the speech of the leaders of the Provincial Party Committee on the speech of party discipline and education、A response to the issues related to party discipline learning and education, and the spirit of notifications on prevention and stopping related business activities。

The meeting pointed out,Since the group company required party organizations at all levels to launch party discipline learning and education at all levels on April 15th,Party organizations at all levels of the company attach great importance to,Timely holding a party committee meeting research,Formation plan,Establishment agency,Clear responsibility,Objective requirements and work priorities around party discipline learning and education,Learn through the central group of the party committee、Branch "Three Meetings and One Lesson"、Reading class、Special counseling training、Exchange Research、Carry out theme party day activities、Warning education and m88 casinoother forms to learn,The original study was done one by one,Combined with actual learning,Highlighting learning results,Focus on improving quality,Power ring formalism,Company's party discipline learning and education work steadily。

Meeting requirements, work for the next step of party discipline study and education,M88 appParty organizations at all levels must accurately grasp the significance of carrying out party discipline and education,Always insist on high positioning,Active advance,Correcting work responsibility,Accurately grasp the target task,Careful implementation of various measures,Ensure that party discipline learning and education achieves real effects。Keep the key point,Kungly in deepening learning,Effectively promote learning、Promote learning with a case、Promote learning with training。

Second, we need to work again in action.To grasp learning around focus,Comprehensive coverage and implementation,Dedicated classes are responsible for supervision。Grasp the "Four Studies",That is the original book、Learn by chapter by seal,Contact Actual Inspection and Rectification,Warning education to promote learning with cases,Interpretation of training to promote learning。Working classes must carefully convey and implement the specific requirements for the promotion of party discipline learning and education,Through key work inspectors、Daily scheduling、Special supervision M88 gameand other methods,Strengthening the process guidance and supervision of party discipline learning and education in the company and various units。"Three One" at work,Using a textbook、Talk about a party lesson、Carry out a supervision,Effectively improve the comprehensive results of party discipline learning and education。

Third is to be strict in discipline.Strictly abide by the work specifications of party discipline learning and education,Persist in seeking truth from facts、Seeking truth and pragmatic,Resolutely eliminate formalism、bureaucracy,Resolutely prevent "low -level red" and "advanced black" phenomenon。Key work on improving quality,Do a good job of party discipline study and education。

Fourth is to deepen the publicity.Timely summarize the experience and practice of party discipline learning and education,Typical Typical Types,Strengthen publicity guidance,Use internal and external media platforms,Fully display the work effectiveness and typical experience of the company's work and education and education,External manuscripts must be strictly reviewed and cleared。

Five is to be implemented in combination.Effectively combine the development of party discipline and education with the implementation of the company's key work,Combining the tasks of the unit's headquarters in combination。Adhere to "two hands、Two Promotion ",Following the "Enhancement of Management Management"、Safety production、Key work tasks such as party building integration and deepening expansion,Do a good job of combining M88 apparticles,Promoting results conversion,Effectively promote the company's high -quality development。

The meeting was held in the form of video,Members of the Party Discipline Learning and Education Work Leading Group of the Company and Units,The person in charge of various departments of the organs (secretary of the party branch)、All staff members of the work class attended the meeting。(Zheng Qinyue)