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Sun Jiacha Longhua Mining Company held a 30th anniversary development results exhibition
Release time: 2024-05-23 "    Share to:

To review the 30 -year development process of Longhua,Fully display 30 years of development results,May 21,The development ceremony of the development of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Longhua was held at the company's full fitness center。Sun Jiacha Longhua Mining Company Leader,The majority of cadres and employees participated in the event。


Thirty years,Longhua Party building work is gradually standardized,Created a sample of non -public party built,Discovered a new path for the party building work of the mixed ownership enterprise、New m88 casino reviewexperience,The "private mechanism,State -owned Quality "characteristics are implemented to the whole process of" corporate governance ",High quality for the company、Modern development lays a solid foundation。30 years of butterfly changes,Open green low -carbon transformation and upgrade、New journey of safe and efficient development,To realize the long -term foundation、Long Huayng inherited by the century -old inheritance injects endless motivation; 30 years of precipitation,Build the spirituality of the Dragon Chinese,Guide the height unity of cadres and employees' thoughts、Strong unity in the organization and the height of action,Continuously enhance brand influence and reputation,Employees' sense of belonging with "Dragon Chinese"、Pride、Getting and happiness continues to enhance。

Next,Longhua will summarize past experience lessons,Draw the new journey for the end of the end、Open the courage and wisdom of innovation; tell the story of corporate growth,M88 appGather the company's transformation and upgrade、The majestic power to achieve high -quality development,Promote excellent corporate culture、Employee culture,Thanks for the pioneer、Pay tribute to the struggle、Inspired later people,United struggle to build a century -old Longhua。

After the ceremony was completed, the on -site personnel performed the exhibition.

Thirty Anniversary Development Achievement Exhibition is an important part of celebrating a series of activities in the 30th anniversary of Longhua。Achievement Exhibition is located at the Fitness Center of the Information Center,Divided into a journey for 30 years、Rongguangzhong Chuanghua Zhang、Three chapters of Dream Centennial Longhua,Show Longhua for 30 years in the form of graphic and grows、Forwarding for a hard work、Deepening the development process of reform。(Xue Xiaocheng Guo Guangyao)