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m88 casinoGuo Siyu: "Soaring" coal sea, singing the song of youth
Release time: 2024-05-25 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Author: Deng Longqian Chen Ziliang & NBSP & NBSP Views: 2225    Share to:

2019,Drive to the bus of Hanjiawan Coal Company,Graduated college student Guo Siyu's longing and embarrassed。He takes green,Holding luggage,Entering the company’s door,Starting the story with Hanjiawan。

"Tension is there,But more excitement and excitement。"Recall of the first time I entered the work face,Guo Siyu still remember it。Intelligent and efficient equipment、Intelligent and efficient equipment、Relaxed lines ... everything,Undested his traditional cognition of coal mines。After returning to the dormitory,Guo Siyu dialed his parents' phone,Share your own work experience。At the same time, determination,It is bound to do the results here。

Guo Siyu at the scene of the well (1) .png

Not too long,Guo Siyu was assigned to the post of maintenance electrician,Daily work is mainly to maintain electrical equipment。He at that time,Like most college students who just joined the job,Dare to fight and break,The whole body seems to have endless energy。But one day after a few months,End the heavy work under the well,Guo Siyu's body sore after the ascension,Tired。lying on the bed in the dormitory,Look at the colorful life in the circle of friends,He can't help but start doubting his original decision。Breeze outside m88 casino reviewthe window,Hanjiawan in the hazy moonlight becomes confusing,A moment,He is confused about the future direction。

2020,An article entitled "Other Youth" titled "Comprehensive Mailing Team" After the 90s ",Reported the daily life of several young people including Guo Siyu。"After get off work every day,He will go to the district team to read the corner,Drilling the business theory hard ... "Looking at the description of yourself in the manuscript,Guo Siyu's sweetness。He shared the article to the circle of friends,I received a lot of love encouragement from relatives and friends,This makes him more confident and courage。

Guo Siyu.jpg

In the next time,In the next time,Guo Siyu formulated a detailed plan for himself。From theoretical learning to technical practice,From the diet of the schedule to exercise,He arranges his every day as full as。Dark and deep under the well,Guo Siyu always follows behind the master,Study on the side,Learning while practicing。Back to the dormitory,He took out the laptop for the first time to write down the work summary,Dental notes,Full of technical experience,Also record the growth of a youth ... rich and fulfilling work and life,Breaking Guo Siyu's "mental internal consumption",Let him grow up quickly。

Time came to 2022,This is for Guo Siyu,It is an extremely extraordinary year。April,Due to outstanding M88 appperformance,He was hired as a technician of the comprehensive excavation team; May,He participated in the company's "Case Review of Coal Mine Incident Cases" activity,and won the third prize of the third prize; June,He wrote an article on "The First Low Low Smart Express Complete Entering Entering the Well",and the website of Shaanxi Coal Group Corporation; September,Won the first prize of the knowledge and regulations of the "four members, two long -headed" safety production laws and regulations of northern Shaanxi Mining Company ...

If 2022 is the wind and waves,Then 2023 is a dream -by -dream。He in this year,I did not stop because of the past achievements,Instead, work harder than before。"223101 Returning Wind Ship Trigger Digging Work Regulations", "214204 Glossal Transport Slice Trigger Enter Work Face for Adjusting Power Supply System"、Digging Working Noodles Open Project Listing Management、Tape -raising device ... Courage to break through、Dare to innovate him,Deep in the mine,Det different youthful style with a struggle!

This year's chief gold and silver talent review report meeting at Northern Shaanxi Mining Company,Guo Siyu as the participating participants,Confident and calmly embarked on the podium。Recalling this along the way,Guo Siyu said with emotion: "anxiety and confusion are useless,Only firm goals,Definitely M88 gameforward,can the ordinary work do not make a problem! "

Donation of the Tang Dynasty、Yuru Yucheng。College students from the beginning of the first place,To the technician on the side,Five years of time,Guo Siyu step by step,Efforts as a ruler,Road to measure growth,Singing the song of youth in the depths of the coal sea。(Deng Longqian Chen Ziliang)