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Plim the safe "background color" with hard work "
Release time: 2024-05-29 & nbsp & nbsp & nbsp Author: Ai Feng & nbsp & nbsp Views: 1299    Share to:

Since the second quarter,Hanjiawan Coal Company Coal Washing Factory takes the mine labor competition as an opportunity,Rive fullness,By the moment,While seizing efficient production,All cadres and employees have always firmly established the "red line" consciousness,Continue to brighten the safe "background color"。


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Keep the safety line,Responsibility implementation is the key。The company's coal washing plant takes the opportunity to carry out the "Safety Production Treatment Year",Focus on the implementation of safety responsibility,Pay close attention to the ability of all staff to perform their duties,Deeply cultivating safety management "Responsible Field"。

In the specific practice of safety management,The company's coal washing plant strictly implements the management cadre 24 -hour duty and class system,The tentacles of the safety inspections of each class will penetrate the tentacles of each class into the various posts of the factory area,Fully consolidate the responsibility for production safety。

Implement the system of management cadre contracting team,Actively give play to the on -site maintenance of the "four members and two leaders"、Supervision and prevention of objects such as items and other operations,Effectively keeping the "cutting -edge position" of safety production。

Continuously strengthen the safety management responsibilities of the team,Education of security、M88 login"Three Violations" behavior、The completion of the key work of security as a monthly、Emphasize the assessment of the safety performance ability assessment of the quarterly team,Strict assessment and fulfilling,Forced the teams to strictly implement the responsibilities of production safety。

"Prevention needle" for safety education

"Undocked Organization、Instrumental injury、Equipment starts and stops ... These are all risks that may exist in the maintenance operation,Everyone must learn to pre -judgment in advance。"" Coal washing plant in the early 8 o'clock class of the early class,Duty member Wang Jingdan is emphasizing the operating process of job risk points and safety standards to employees。

To continuously strengthen employee safety awareness,Before the class meeting、Fixed action outside Tuesday Friday,The company's coal washing factory insists on conducting a weekly accident case warning education,Let each employee talk about feelings in combination with their own posts、Ming measures,Deeply learn the lesson lesson,Really "do one three"。

Combined with the actual security management,Actively carry out safety education activities such as "safe production", "three illegal teachings" and "appearance",Effectively enhance employee safety awareness and behavior consciousness。

In addition,The company's coal washing plant makes full use of the company's WeChat work group,Upload the latest security situation and dynamics,Promoting the laws and regulations of M88 gameproduction safety,Interpretation of the spirit of superior security documents,Emphasize the safety alarm clock for the majority of cadres and employees。

Build a hidden danger to investigate "Protection Dydder"

"Pay attention to the effectiveness of hidden dangers,It is strictly forbidden to investigate in the form. "It has always been the" hard core standard "of the company's hidden dangers of coal washing factories。

Take the production site as "main battlefield",Take the weakness as the "main attack point",The company's coal washing plant organizes at least three full coverage per month、Safety investigation activities without dead ends,For hidden dangers found in the investigation,Strictly follow the "Five Implementation" requirements,To make up and change the reform。

Persistent thoughts are prone to lack of thoughts for people at night、Poor mental state and other situations,The company's coal washing plant insists on combining assault inspections with dynamic inspections,Strict investigation and punishment of unsafe operations and out -of -post、Sleeping and other behaviors,Make sure the work site "People、Machine、object、ring、Tube "is safe and reliable。

Based on this,The company's coal washing plant actively plays the role of intelligent monitoring and supervision,Make full use of intelligent integrated management and control platform,Strengthening precise monitoring of risk state、Intelligent early warning,To trace the whole process、closed M88 app-loop management and control。

Since the second quarter,The company's coal washing plant has organized a total of 7 times of safety investigation activities,Rectification and implementation of 81 hidden dangers of various types,Safety production is more guaranteed,Safety management is more efficient,It laid a solid foundation for achieving the goal of "double half"。(Ai Feng)