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Hanjiawan Coal Company comprehensive excavation team: frontline innovation bears fruitful results
Release time: 2024-06-11     Author: Du Weijia    Views: 2838    Share to:

Since this year,The comprehensive excavation team of Hanjiawan Coal Company focuses on innovation and efficiency,Overall coordination,Work hard,Bearing fruitful results in the innovation of all employees。


The team attaches great importance to employee education,Use the before and after class meetings and every Tuesday、Safety Learning of Five,Actively organize and carry out "innovative small classes",Employees watched and commented on other outstanding innovation cases in the industry,M88 loginInspire everyone’s enthusiasm for learning,Fully mobilize enthusiasm and initiative for innovation。

The team focuses on combining theory and practice,Play "Skill Master"、Artisan、The mentoring role of model workers,Underground practical operation and theoretical teaching in parallel,Organize and carry out "teacher and apprentice" on-the-job training activities,Strive to cultivate one specialty and multiple abilities、A composite employee with multiple responsibilities,Continuously improve the quality of all employees。

To further promote innovation and efficiency,The team established a party member innovation research commando team,Carry out "1+2" ​​mentoring and apprenticeship,Clear tasks,Set indicators,Review and assessment every quarter,Ensure innovation work is carried out in an orderly manner。Compile the "Innovation Sharing Book" on a regular basis,Continuously summarize and share innovative results,Not only broadens the horizons of employees,It also greatly inspired all employees’ enthusiasm for innovation。

In the past three years,All members M88 games apkof the team have evaluated more than 150 innovative projects,Obtained 6 national utility patents,The conversion rate exceeds 90%。Every innovation is applied in actual production,Especially "Spray Dust Reduction Device for Rapid Excavation Equipment Transportation System"、Innovative projects such as "Standardized Management of Material Inventory Management APP Program",Not only a breakthrough in technology,It also has huge practical value。

Through a series of powerful measures,The comprehensive excavation team not only improves production efficiency and safety levels,It also brings together the wisdom and strength of all employees。With the joint efforts of cadres and workers,The team will continue to maintain the momentum of innovative development,Scaling to new heights,Contribute greater wisdom and strength to the company’s high-quality development。(Du Weijia)